MWC2001 Header Image
Player Statistics
Games Attended:3
Record (W/T/L):3/0/0
Games Captained:1
Record (W/T/L):1/0/0
Kills - Losses:23-4
Best Game:10-0
Bet Pool Accur:N/A
Bet Pool Total:N/A
Bet Pool Rank:N/A


In the midst of an infinite winter, I found within myself an invincible summer Login: AsOne
Real Name: Chris
Location: Bay Area, California

Favorite Map: Depends on who I'm playing with or against
Favorite Game: Koth
Favorite Unit: Stygian Knight(cuz they're underrated and punny)
No clue why anyone would read this :)  I haven't played in any tournaments or been on a real organized team(except maybe Twiceborn and myself) in Myth, but I've played ridiculous amounts of FFA games(almost nothing but ffa from beginning of 1999 onwards until about now), so I feel qualified to say that I have a good chance of beating you 1v1 if we played against each other.  This isn't a 1v1 tournament, though, but you can count on me to handle whatever my team chooses to give me as well as I can.  Thats probably all anyone reading this cares about.  Swim in circles before feeding time, little minnow.
Threat Assessment:
Nothin' know about Unity either.
Build time: 7ms