MWC2001 Header Image
Player Statistics
Games Attended:19
Record (W/T/L):12/1/6
Games Captained:4
Record (W/T/L):2/0/2
Kills - Losses:197-124
Best Game:32-13
Bet Pool Accur:4.6
Bet Pool Total:79
Bet Pool Rank:33rd


Mess with the best, die like the motherf*cking rest! Login: enigman1
Real Name: Only Enigman Remains
Location: England

Favorite Map: Desert
Favorite Game: Terries
Favorite Unit: Archer
I been on TFL since it first came out and been playing ever since, I been in several ffa and team tournaments in myth2. Rescently ive discovered real life but im still here to kick in the heads of anyone whose game
Threat Assessment:
Enigman ran the "PIEFUCKING" tournament.

This is probably enough said, but I shall elaborate.

This guy is unstable.
Build time: 7ms