MWC2001 Header Image
Player Statistics
Games Attended:3
Record (W/T/L):1/0/2
Games Captained:0
Record (W/T/L)://
Kills - Losses:33-33
Best Game:18-8
Bet Pool Accur:24.9
Bet Pool Total:304
Bet Pool Rank:176th


Grim Re@per sux ass :( Login: ozman
Real Name: He really does :=(
Location: Finland

Favorite Map: The X-ray map about my arsch
Favorite Game: Poker :()
Favorite Unit: I never get units :( Grim sux

ASS: I never took part of
Wiffa: I never took part of
TBD: I never took part of
FOC: I have never even heard of this
PFFFA: Same as last 1
COT: Same as last 1, sounds like a ww2 tournament..

Guess now u can say, "OMG U SUCK DUDE!" Well ur right, I do :) Best achievement was.. hm... mb not taking part of FOC I guess..
Threat Assessment:
We do not know anything about this player.
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