MWC2001 Header Image
Player Statistics
Games Attended:15
Record (W/T/L):6/0/9
Games Captained:2
Record (W/T/L):1/0/1
Kills - Losses:64-78
Best Game:9-1
Bet Pool Accur:6.3
Bet Pool Total:102
Bet Pool Rank:66th


Hes the chosen one... Login: Saber4
Real Name: Oliver
Location: U.S.A

Favorite Map: Gyre
Favorite Game: Stampede
Favorite Unit: Heron Guard
Illuminator is a big surprise... i did some 1on1s vs this kid =), and he showed me that he knows some tricks.He hosted some games and we tied up the wins and sometimes i got my ass _ _ _ _ _ ...
    Hes a good player but he still needs some training, and when hes done i dont think even I can stop this new butcher! He will be mutch use for us now in MWC / Warp
        Haha thanks Warp for that bio that made me look good and intimidating.  Chosen one my a**.  I got #1 in stampede then started to get sick of playing the same map and game type over again so I quit playing stampede.....mostly.   Now I just play ffa games and fun games.  My favorite unit is the fetch and in gyre I average above 160 dmg per game with a fetch.  So you guys better watch out in "shuffle off this mortal coil(dark)" cause your men are gonna be as good as toast when I'm through with em!!! MUAHAHAHA

Note:  My ratio kicked ass until we played gtm and I got all the thrall on flag rally, and my flag was the last one and I only got 2 kills and all my thralls got miserably raped by 3 dwfs.
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