MWC2001 Header Image
Player Statistics
Games Attended:31
Record (W/T/L):15/0/16
Games Captained:6
Record (W/T/L):3/0/3
Kills - Losses:267-279
Best Game:42-0
Bet Pool Accur:N/A
Bet Pool Total:N/A
Bet Pool Rank:N/A


"Calm down, we can still win.  Maybe they won't notice that last thrall" Login: rommel1123
Real Name: Mike
Location: WA

Favorite Map: Desert
Favorite Game: Assassin
Favorite Unit: Brigand
I've been in many clans, and unfortunately we've been playing Myth 2 on and off.  It was I who hosted the infamous Desert Fox tournament, yet no one has given me credit for this (maybe that's a good thing), and in fact I am now despised by GTM because I let them use an unregistered player, then let MoR use an unregistered player too, and then they lost to MoR as I was in the same watching and.. let's just say it's harder to run a tourney than you think.  Oh, and the USA starved to death around 10,000 Nazis after WW2, but who cares?  In fact, the story of how it happened is rather funny.  Ask me about it sometime.  Praise be to Allah!
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