MWC2001 Header Image
Player Statistics
Games Attended:15
Record (W/T/L):6/0/9
Games Captained:7
Record (W/T/L):2/0/5
Kills - Losses:137-94
Best Game:20-0
Bet Pool Accur:6.4
Bet Pool Total:111
Bet Pool Rank:69th


Bringing tour buses to Madrigal since 1998 Login: eldreth
Real Name:

Favorite Map: Gimble
Favorite Game: Captures
Favorite Unit: Warrior
Madrigal's own Minister of Tourism has been dragging down the abilities of the MWC since the inception of the order. Recently being seen wighting his own troop's men, the other Minister's sense the onset of dementia and have relegated Eldreth to more of a player role this year. However, look for him to grab the standard and march the troops into certain death from time to time.
Threat Assessment:
MCC's main player in the past, he will likely to continue to captain the majority of their games. In MWC2k his strategies seemed more suited to mwc99, so time will tell if he kept up with the times.
Build time: 11ms