MWC2001 Header Image
Player Statistics
Games Attended:15
Record (W/T/L):8/1/6
Games Captained:9
Record (W/T/L):5/1/3
Kills - Losses:133-72
Best Game:27-0
Bet Pool Accur:N/A
Bet Pool Total:N/A
Bet Pool Rank:N/A


Geritol and Metamucil:  Breakfast of Old Farts Login: biscuit
Real Name: Yoda
Location: the Dagoba system

Favorite Map: To Kill a Mockingbird
Favorite Game: that one you play with your girlfriend involving whipped cream, strawberries, and .... uh.. never mind
Favorite Unit: ghols yesterday, Trow today, tomorrow who knows
In between long periods of ineptitude, Biscuit can be found displaying short flashes of brilliance.  Unfortunately, those are coming less and less nowadays.
Threat Assessment:
Another decent FFA player and reliable teammate. He won't destroy everything in his path, but he won't bow out easily either.
Build time: 10ms