MWC2001 Header Image
Player Statistics
Games Attended:16
Record (W/T/L):6/0/10
Games Captained:1
Record (W/T/L):0/0/1
Kills - Losses:48-71
Best Game:11-0
Bet Pool Accur:9.0
Bet Pool Total:143
Bet Pool Rank:102nd


OMG ... not this tourney again Login: lemax
Real Name: Max
Location: N.H.

Favorite Map: Gyre
Favorite Game: terries
Favorite Unit: fetch
<center><img src="">
this is my stylized interpretation of farting in the bathtub</center>
 Started playing Myth TFL way back. Been in a clan called BFD, then ploaf (The Pimento Loafers) and finally MCC. I'm as old school as they get, being a long time F.O.P. and beta testing some of the greatest maps ever released into the Myth Community.
  I co-founded Sexi, which went kinda limp, and The League of Orders, which Anima runs now.
  As far as Myth talent goes, I have my moments of brilliance, but mostly am sort of middle of the road type guy.
  Yes, I am a Forum Monkey, and proud of it. The only place you really don't want to mess with me is in the forums. I am the ultimate master of the flame, and a bit of a troll at times.
Threat Assessment:
Spond is not a threat. Then he goes nuclear on forums.
Build time: 7ms