MWC2001 Header Image
Player Statistics
Games Attended:31
Record (W/T/L):18/1/12
Games Captained:30
Record (W/T/L):17/1/12
Kills - Losses:136-109
Best Game:22-0
Bet Pool Accur:11.9
Bet Pool Total:164
Bet Pool Rank:133rd

Shadownite  DC

Ack Login: shadownite
Real Name: Craig Lusco
Location: Abingdon, Maryland, USA

Favorite Map: Drowned Kingdom
Favorite Game: Terries
Favorite Unit: Heron
I have been playing since the early days of Myth I.  After starting out playing mostly one game, Mudpit Dark FR, I graduated to become a well rounded ffa'er.  In the later days of Myth I, I joined DC and have been with them for the last 32 months (wow).  At this time I began to play team games as well, and ever since then have played mostly anything on almost any map.I have held every rank from comet to a dagger at any one time, and have played in many tournaments, mopst recently taking 3rd place in the MCC Invitational ffa tournament a few month's ago.
Threat Assessment:
Shad is a good player and a solid teammate.

Expect him to be effective when he shows.
Build time: 11ms