MWC2001 Header Image
Player Statistics
Games Attended:23
Record (W/T/L):15/1/7
Games Captained:1
Record (W/T/L):1/0/0
Kills - Losses:116-94
Best Game:10-0
Bet Pool Accur:11.5
Bet Pool Total:160
Bet Pool Rank:128th

2o-Eyed Foe

What the hell is wrong with you? Login: tfbishop
Real Name: Twenty Eyed Foe, Sr.
Location: Gehenna

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Throughout the years many people have asked me where I came up with the name "Twenty Eyed Foe". Some have even tried to guess. Darby Crash for instance, at one time, thought I may be a 'Misfits' fan because they apparently have a song about some guy and there being twenty eyes in his head. Or some nonsense of that nature. This was totally inaccurate and I followed him around tfl for hours screaming at him that he was wrong. Being disgusted at my behavior he eventually logged off.
 So I waited.
 1 Hour. 2 Hours. 8 Hours. 16 Hours.
 It was 16 freaking hours before he logged back on! I can't even begin to describe how livid I was by that point. I can assure you that not only did I remind him that my name had not come from some punk song, but that he was, without a doubt, the most selfish and downright inhumane individual I had ever met. Being disgusted with Darby's behavior I logged off.
 Six weeks later, when I had calmed down and finally convinced him not to mute me the instant I entered the room, I explained to him the true nature of the name. Only once did I break into a fit of screaming at him and this time, fortunately, it only lasted for about 7 minutes. Still though, anyone that knows him agrees that he has become a much more proficient player since that night I terrorized him.
 Why does anyone care where the name came from? I have no idea. Cypher wrote about his name in his bio, and since I am completely incapable of coming up with an original idea on my own I will share with you all the origins of "2o-Eyed Foe". At least I had intended to when I started writing this, but my hands are getting tired from all of this pointless typing. So I guess you'll just have to wait until MWC2k2 to find out.
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