MWC2001 Header Image
Player Statistics
Games Attended:8
Record (W/T/L):3/0/5
Games Captained:0
Record (W/T/L)://
Kills - Losses:33-21
Best Game:10-2
Bet Pool Accur:24.9
Bet Pool Total:298
Bet Pool Rank:175th

Taxi Driver

False wisdom is worse than incompetence, in that it makes for such Login: cjustice
Real Name:

Favorite Map: a confident fool.' People were always saying that about Taxi Driver.
Favorite Game: OMG WTF!
Favorite Unit: Cambridge, MA
I've been playing Myth since the late days of TFL beta 4 and clocked
   an obscene number of gaming hours with nothing to show for it except
   thousands of films and several other things. As a few long-timers may
   recall, I was a part of the MacMarines when the order was dissolved
   and disavowed by its parent website/mailing list; quite a shame for a
   fun, friendly order which looked to keep growing -- as well as for
   Muff, who really got robbed. I also ran around with L¯D for a bit,
   and remember them well, tho I did sorta run off to MacM without
   telling anyone. I represented MacM for over a year after its demise,
   and spent MWC2K practicing with the Bishops, who I remembered from
   TFL, and joined shortly after they tanked it in the DE. A year and
   several new players later, TFB is still my favorite order to date ;-)
   Unfortunately, I probably will not be playing much this tourney, due
   partly to a CS class I will be taking but mainly because my school
   has recently started wait-listing outgoing traffic on most TCP/IP
   ports including 3453, and runs on 3453, and very few
   people are willing to play a TCP/IP game on port 80, which is about
   the only thing I can play without lag.
   Skill-wise you shouldn't worry about me, the very pillar of
   mediocrity; both non-threatening and completely incompetent, always
   wondering where all my units went; very cheerful and polite, even
   when the exchange turns into a firefight; though you'll often hear me
   lamenting how much I suck -- if on occasion I kill you, it's purely
Threat Assessment:
None submitted.
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