MWC2001 Header Image
Player Statistics
Games Attended:15
Record (W/T/L):9/0/6
Games Captained:0
Record (W/T/L)://
Kills - Losses:78-61
Best Game:17-7
Bet Pool Accur:N/A
Bet Pool Total:N/A
Bet Pool Rank:N/A

SilverBrin     WP

"Puppet the Tree is your daddy....don't mess with his chickens." Login: 15tanks
Real Name: Brian
Location: right before the middle name

Favorite Map: Physiographic Provinces of South-East Asia. (1993
Favorite Game: No vests (laser tag)
Favorite Unit: Grams
There are two types of great players in the world of Myth.  
There are the leaders, who with great decisiveness can elevate their team
members to new standards and goals, and can infectiously renew a spirited sense
of cooperation within the team.  Then there are the loaners who can strike
fear into the best of FFA players by utterly destroying everything in sight.  
SilverBrin is a unique combination of these two.  He can decisively
strike fear into his team members, by destroying everything in sight, which is
always his team’s army.  After they take his units away, he
infectiously renews a spirited sense of cooperation within the team as they try and
over come the –278 damage inflicted by his taunting wites.  If there is one
thing he is known for, it is the demise of his fellow units.  His only goal
is to win a game of Myth.  As mentioned on his Wolf Pack Bio: one of his
greatest achievements was the realization that Myth was a strategy/war game and
not a landscape photo with ambient sounds to accompany the frequent games of
tic-tac-toe he and his best friend (a long decayed parrot) play on the
overhead map.  For the MWC tournament he is working on a theory for his
team to help them better understand the game of Myth.  It is known as
Silver’s Razor, and goes like this: If you can kill the enemy, sometimes you win
the game.  This groundbreaking discovery opened up a new world of
possibilities for SilverBrin.  Though he has never killed an enemy unit or won a
game, he hopes he can contribute to Wolf Pack.
Watch out for him, he has been known to fowl up the simplest of
missions. He once attempted his most difficult assignment, (to put five archers
in a straight line), which resulted in his team being fried by his own fire
arrows.  In what was to be his greatest game ever played, his units
rhythmically cheered and then shot in a random direction.  He was truly
in the zone.  Before his team was completely killed, he noticed that his
remaining two archers were in a perfectly straight line.  “I HAVE DONE
IT!” he triumphantly yelled in all caps.  The captain of the team quickly
replied “you fool, any two units make a straight line”.  SilverBrin ignored the
snide comment until the fire enveloped his last archer.  He then
bravely admitted to lagging and dropped the game on his own host.
He hopes he can contribute to the team.  His threat assessment is also
unique.  To an opposing player, he is no threat and is the equivalent
to a newbie only with no eyesight and infinitely less skll.  To his team
however he is the gravest of enemies, and is a force to be reckoned with. He
has a good heart and always tries his best despite his awful tactics.  
Whatever you do...don’t mess with his chickens...they lay face down in his dirty
bath water.
Threat Assessment:
SilverBrin has been more active lately, but he's still one of WP's lesser players.

We're looking for him to step up this year.
Build time: 5ms