MWC2001 Header Image
Player Statistics
Games Attended:15
Record (W/T/L):10/0/5
Games Captained:0
Record (W/T/L)://
Kills - Losses:100-87
Best Game:22-7
Bet Pool Accur:N/A
Bet Pool Total:N/A
Bet Pool Rank:N/A

MurderOne   WP

Login: murderone
Real Name: Jon
Location: Los Angeles

Favorite Map: Heron Guard Hero
Favorite Game: Gimble in the Wabe
Favorite Unit: King of the Hill
Once upon a time, MurderOne was a casual Myth
gamer. But, one long night he found himself in
so strange domain. It was a Myth pre-game chat
room and the name of the game was
"Wolfpack." Strangely, it was not an order game
as the Wolfpack order did not yet exist. It was a
group of friends, sportsmanlike and fun.
MurderOne spent the entire night with "the pack,"
participating in the first "Wolf invasion" of and the quest to complete the Forgeon Legendary. He kept up with this group of
friends and soon became one of them. An order
was later formed and MurderOne was honored to
be ask to be a part of it. And so began the long
transformation from casual gamer to die-hard
Myth psycho...

Often you will find MurderOne decimating armies,
but you can also find him harassing Dragon
about college, getting all the crappy troops in
team games (and liking it!), and welcoming
himself back to a game before anyone else can.
Don't play him at Badlands KOTH or Stampede!,
unless of course you want free points (j/k).

M1 has taken up space on Wolfpack's roster in a couple of tournaments,
including MWC99, MWC2K and MLM2. He hopes to keel lots of pixels, say "Heyos" a
bunch of times, and prove that he really is hungry like the wolf.
Threat Assessment:
Ah. MurderOne... Last year he got a lame pun as a TA. Perhaps I should continue the trend?

Naaaah... So, without a pun, what can be said abour Murder? One of the better players on WP rosters in years past, expect that to remain the case this year. Word is he hasn't been playing much lately, but should he make a serious effort to kick the rust off he will likely be back to old form quite quickly.
Build time: 3ms