MWC2001 Header Image
Player Statistics
Games Attended:13
Record (W/T/L):9/0/4
Games Captained:0
Record (W/T/L)://
Kills - Losses:37-42
Best Game:9-0
Bet Pool Accur:N/A
Bet Pool Total:N/A
Bet Pool Rank:N/A

Scooter     WP

Login: macsteve
Real Name:
Location: Memphis, TN

Favorite Map: Untamed Lands
Favorite Game: Co-op
Favorite Unit: Warrior
Known as "macsteve" to some, "the king of
brb" to others, and "scooter" to most, he is
always doing something Myth related. Whether it
is making maps for Myth, searching for the latest
Myth news, or just playing Myth, scooter likes
most maps and games (except for for the ones
with balls) and plays them with his close friends
of WP. the only times when scooter can't be
found on is when he is sleeping or
walking his dog, and when he is sleeping he is
dreaming of being on It is
macsteve's belief that Bungie should be required
to put this Surgeon General's warning on all
future products: "This product may cause
addiction, lack of sleep, malnutrition and
antisocial behavior, not that there's anything
wrong with that."
Threat Assessment:
Word on Scooter is that he has more rust than a poorly maintained '57 T-bird. If you are set to play WP, take note of their practice schedule. If practices are active, and Scooter is there frequently, expect him to put up a decent fight. Otherwise, expect yet another rusty old Myth II soul.
Build time: 6ms