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Dragon       WP

"His future remains cloudy, but that he is the Chosen One...of this I am certain." Login: wyrdrune
Real Name: Tad
Location: Who knows these days...

Favorite Map: The Desert Between Your Ears
Favorite Game: Territories
Favorite Unit: Archer
The Wheel of Time Turns and Ages come and go
... what was, what is, what will be ... may yet fall
under the Shadow.

In the first Age, an Age long forgotten, an Age
yet to be, the Dragon, Lews Therin Telamon, with
his 100 Companions, set forth as guardians of
the world against the Dark One. Wielding and
Channeling the One Power, they defeated and
sealed the Dark One and the Forsaken - among
the most powerful in the One Power - in a prison
held by keys wrought of the One Power. As the
Dark One fell, his counterstrike tainted the male
half of the Source, and the First Age witnessed
the "Breaking," as all the nations were rent in
blood and fire by the Dragon and his 100
Companions and split to the eight corners of the
world. Lews Therin, to put an end to the
destruction he and his followers had caused in
their madness, consumed himself with fire.

The Prophecies speak of the rebirth of the
Dragon, who will save the world from the
ever-tightening grip of the Dark One, as the
seals holding his prison weaken and the
Forsaken roam the earth wreaking havoc and
chaos. Let him unite the nations from all the
corners of the earth ... Let him arise from the
grave and ride again on the Winds of Time. The
Prophecies must be fulfilled ... and he will lead
the Wolf Pack into the Last Battle, Tarmon
Gai'Don, against the Dark One, even though
death, madness, blood walk his path. Only a
remnant of a remnant will be saved ...
Threat Assessment:
Dragon is definitely WP's biggest weapon.

Fearsome in an archer duel and equally skilled in a micro-managing dorf battle Dragon will surely raise the level of WP's play.

Expect him to captain frequently.
Build time: 5ms