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Player Statistics
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Magellan    WP

You better watch out when King Alric says, "UNGH!" Login: magellan
Real Name:
Location: Los Angeles, CA

Favorite Map: The Desert Between Your Ears
Favorite Game: Co-op
Favorite Unit: Deceiver
Magellan's biography went haywire as a
result of the Y2K bug, and no longer exists
because it now thinks the year is 1900, well
before the existence of Bungie, Myth TFL, Myth
II, Wolfpack, pizza delivered hot to your door,
and online trading.
Threat Assessment:
Word is that Magellan, normally WP's organizer extraordinaire, is going to be a bit less active than usual this summer, which is a true loss for the WP team. A strong player with solid fundamentals, excellent team skills, and a sound tactical manner, Magellan is the kind of player who helps keep a team grounded and focused , while delivering in game as well.
Build time: 3ms