MWC2001 Header Image
Player Statistics
Games Attended:8
Record (W/T/L):5/0/3
Games Captained:0
Record (W/T/L)://
Kills - Losses:20-2
Best Game:12-1
Bet Pool Accur:N/A
Bet Pool Total:N/A
Bet Pool Rank:N/A

Zedo        WP

The strentgh of a wolf is the pack, and the strength of the Pack is the Wolves. Login: zedo
Real Name: Scott
Location: Pennsylvania

Favorite Map: Dead of Winter
Favorite Game: Flag Rally
Favorite Unit: Ghol
On a cold moonlit night a lone wolf, his coat
    slightly greying, came quietly out of the
    mountain forest, to heed the call of his brethren.
    Thus did Zedo join the pack. His coat greying
    from the passage of many seasons, he lacks the
    agility of many of the young pups he runs with.
    He conpensates for his declining speed with the
    wisdom of years. He is respected among his
    brothers and sisters for his honor, never leaving
    the field before the fight is finished. If you
    underestimate this wise old wolf, the moonlight
    reflecting off his teeth may be the last thing you

    Zedo is one of the 5 member Wolfpack Leadership Council
    and has played on all of WP's MWC teams as well as many
    other tournaments. He also holds the distintion of having
    once held the title of "Alpha Wolf", an intraorder award.
Threat Assessment:
A veteran of WP's impressive runs in the '99 and '00 MWC's, NML, and MLM2, Zedo is taking on a new role with this year's entry. Acting as leader of the current WP tourney team, Zedo may hold their fortunes in his hands. Yet another sound individual player, it remains to be seen if he can step up and prepare this slimmed down roster for a major run.
Build time: 5ms