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Shaka      WP

"One who overcomes others is strong, but he who overcomes himself is Mighty." Login: egon
Real Name: Ian
Location: Birmingham, Alabama

Favorite Map: The Desert Between Your Ears
Favorite Game: Capture the Flag
Favorite Unit: Archer
Shaka rose from the depths of the dungie,
brought into the light by the calling of the Wolf's
Howl. After Many moons of aimless wandering on
Bnet, the two were made one, and Shaka
became wolf. Shaka is always eager to stand for
what is right and to strongly oppose that which is
not. He despises the braggart, the chicken, and
the wrong of heart. He continually seeks to
further himself and the pack with knowledge, skill
and enlightenment. With his ultimate quest of
reaching a true state of "Studfed", he will
continue to follow the words of a Lao Tzu, "One
who overcomes others is strong, but he who
overcomes himself is Mighty."
Threat Assessment:
Apparently Shaka is from Alabama, and has never gotten a TA in any of the other tournies he's been in. This makes my job harder :(

Not a prominent feature of WP teams in previous years, one can reasonably expect Shaka to handle a lesser role on this year's squad as well. Small formations and flanks would seem likely.
Build time: 5ms