MWC2001 Header Image
Player Statistics
Games Attended:26
Record (W/T/L):14/0/12
Games Captained:11
Record (W/T/L):6/0/5
Kills - Losses:140-150
Best Game:14-2
Bet Pool Accur:6.1
Bet Pool Total:94
Bet Pool Rank:63rd

t o x y n

I have to go to the corner liquor store to get some school supplies... Login: drearmy
Real Name: Dre
Location: Tampa, FL

Favorite Map: Drowned Kingdom
Favorite Game: Lmoth, fr
Favorite Unit: dwarf
Member of ~RO~
Zor Prime sucks, I mean he's the only person I know who failed Kindergarden.

I own everyone in cghw on Unreal Tournament, except maybe Adrock, he's a slut with the shock rifle and the redeemer.
Threat Assessment:
Tox is hands down the best player on this team. Given the opportunity he will punish you quite effectively.
Build time: 10ms