MWC2001 Header Image
Player Statistics
Games Attended:20
Record (W/T/L):11/0/9
Games Captained:4
Record (W/T/L):3/0/1
Kills - Losses:169-126
Best Game:23-0
Bet Pool Accur:8.2
Bet Pool Total:123
Bet Pool Rank:94th


Dueee! Login: bloodsketc
Real Name: Mike
Location: Toronto, Canada

Favorite Map: Gimble
Favorite Game: FR
Favorite Unit: Stygian Knight
Member of hpd

Quarter finalist in FoC...
  Semi finalist in Cot (missed finals by 1 ?!*# point...damn u drizzt)
  Semi finalist in April Fewls (missed finals by yet again another @*#EE*$ point)
  I shall have my this lifetime or the next!!!...
Threat Assessment:
DragonBlood is a solid player and will probably play a prominent role in cghw's efforts.
Build time: 15ms