MWC2001 Header Image
Player Statistics
Games Attended:21
Record (W/T/L):9/0/12
Games Captained:5
Record (W/T/L):1/0/4
Kills - Losses:135-102
Best Game:22-2
Bet Pool Accur:4.2
Bet Pool Total:69
Bet Pool Rank:22nd


Mr. Berlusconi said, 'I'm sorry for having said communists eat babies. But if you want, I can organize a conference in which I will prove communists have really eaten babies and done even worse things.' Login: DrunkBob
Real Name: "stupid honkey"
Location: WEST SIDE

Favorite Map: North Dakota Atlas and Gazetter, 1895 Edition.
Favorite Game: Life is not a game, it is an adventure!:)
Favorite Unit: Avoirdupois pound per scruple
Gorilla warfare is nothing new to this country.
   You see, there is a great menace coming towards North America.
   In 1974, a Russian spy submarine landed in Baja California. What did this vessel contain? Communists.
   They invaded California first, then Arizona, then even Utah, fair fair Utah.
   Luckily for humanity, there is a group that will stand up to these commies. This is a spiritual war, and we will win, because Jesus is a wrathful creature and he is ON OUR SIDE.
   So find your local church, and barricade the walls because the Soviets are coming, and they have sharp teeth and they want our bananas. You heard me. Ban.a..ajealeak al <pre><font face=courier>
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Threat Assessment

Bob eats burritos and shit. Therefore, logically, he must be good at a three year old videogame.

This can be proved mathematically with the following derivation of the inversion formula for the Laplacian operator derived from Green's Third Theorem:

S' = -(4pi)^-1 ï (i (d/dx) +j(d/dy) + k(d/dz))^2 ï TripleIntegral[ s(|| f - þ ||)^-1,dV]

with S' = True Skill, s = apparent skill, and þ = burritos and shit intake.

<font STYLE="font-size: 1pt; line-height: 1px; color: #cacdb2">
Threat Assessment:
None submitted.
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