MWC2001 Header Image
Player Statistics
Games Attended:3
Record (W/T/L):3/0/0
Games Captained:0
Record (W/T/L)://
Kills - Losses:4-0
Best Game:4-0
Bet Pool Accur:15.6
Bet Pool Total:207
Bet Pool Rank:155th


Omg I suck like no one has sucked before... Login: Helme
Real Name: Helmroos
Location: Finland

Favorite Map: ---
Favorite Game: ---
Favorite Unit: Archers and Giant
  <a href="">
  my bio</a>
Threat Assessment:
Xel is not a well known player in the myth community, partially because he used to play gfg, so unless the map is raid or assassin badlands, don't expect much out of him but bloopers.
Build time: 13ms