MWC2001 Header Image
Player Statistics
Games Attended:9
Record (W/T/L):8/0/1
Games Captained:0
Record (W/T/L)://
Kills - Losses:48-28
Best Game:15-7
Bet Pool Accur:N/A
Bet Pool Total:N/A
Bet Pool Rank:N/A


Bother me more than once and you will find that I will hurt you more than just a thorn in your side Login: sormiron
Real Name: Joel Mäkelä
Location: In the middle of nowhere in Sweden

Favorite Map: duh! the one with melee and no artillery in it!......oh...there is no such map??..I guess demise on the hill bc or lmoth where archers and melee have the main role is the best map then. =o(
Favorite Game: What? There are more games than bc?
Favorite Unit: hmmm....I like em all but ghols with puss and warlocks and dorfs and giantmyrkridias.  I guess that it is becous melee only is worless against melee combined with them. Berzerk!!! BERZEEERK! I WILL INSPIRE YOU ALL BY CHARGING BLINDLY ON! bad i jus
... hrrrrm...Mumble...grrr..I wish I had a conection better than my 56k modem with a max speed of 14.4 bps..but i guess that is what you get when you live in the middle of nowhere and the only females on miles of distance, are the sheeps on your very own backyard, and by GOD! I am not that desperate yet!..
    And as for the rest...
     They say that what you donot know won´t hurt you...
 ....Let´s find out if there is any truth in it....
Threat Assessment:
Another solid FFA plyer on a team full of them, Sorimon will likely serve as an excellent position/utility player.
Build time: 9ms