MWC2001 Header Image
Player Statistics
Games Attended:33
Record (W/T/L):21/0/12
Games Captained:0
Record (W/T/L)://
Kills - Losses:254-120
Best Game:28-0
Bet Pool Accur:N/A
Bet Pool Total:N/A
Bet Pool Rank:N/A


Does urs hum too? Login: redmustang
Real Name: Al
Location: Los Angeles

Favorite Map: Gimble, Badlands
Favorite Game: CTF, KOTH
Favorite Unit: Archers, Locks
I will kill your entire army with just my archers, my friends, MUAHAHAHA!
Threat Assessment:
In keeping with all things PoOp, you can expect Red to be at the head of mixed unit groups. One of the few players on the roster new since MWC'00, word is that RedMustang's play in TBT was up and down, much like that of the team as a whole. Look for a similar performance in MWC.
Build time: 11ms