MWC2001 Header Image
Player Statistics
Games Attended:15
Record (W/T/L):13/0/2
Games Captained:0
Record (W/T/L)://
Kills - Losses:82-55
Best Game:22-0
Bet Pool Accur:5.3
Bet Pool Total:98
Bet Pool Rank:53rd


Life is like a bath, the longer you stay the more wrinkled u get mb Login: Theseraph
Real Name: Scott
Location: Noo Zeeland

Favorite Map: Killin Grounds
Favorite Game: FR/Stb
Favorite Unit: heron
Played meef since tfl um, and I want a better connection so i could dodge with units properly
archer dodging = equivilant to ww2 bullet dodging!!
Threat Assessment:
Truth is a consistent, if unspectacular, player. However, be careful not to underestimate his unit handling abilities or general skill. While a team focuses on PoOp's top flight players, Truth can do quite a bit  of damage.
Build time: 7ms