MWC2001 Header Image
Player Statistics
Games Attended:20
Record (W/T/L):6/0/14
Games Captained:8
Record (W/T/L):2/0/6
Kills - Losses:171-191
Best Game:18-0
Bet Pool Accur:N/A
Bet Pool Total:N/A
Bet Pool Rank:N/A

Psidon Tank

Hell, I can do that... Login: psidon
Real Name: Joe
Location: Florida

Favorite Map: For Carnage Apply Within
Favorite Game: Last Man on the Hill
Favorite Unit: Warrior/Thrall combo
Psidon has many accomplishments, but by far his greatest feat was when he fell just short of a world record. Specifically, the world record for most Saltine Crackers one can eat in a minute. Psidon ate a respectable four and a half, second only to the world record of six saltines in one minute (although some rumors hold that the champion cheated and drank water inbetween crackers). The payoff for us is that Psi puts in just as much, if not more effort into Myth than he did in striving for that record.

When 'coerced' into captaining (leeching when his back is turned), Psi actually does pretty well. Maybe that's why he was tank of the month for two months in a row. Or maybe Sherman was on holiday. Whatever.
Threat Assessment:
None submitted.
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