MWC2001 Header Image
Player Statistics
Games Attended:25
Record (W/T/L):14/1/10
Games Captained:11
Record (W/T/L):7/0/4
Kills - Losses:224-134
Best Game:23-0
Bet Pool Accur:12.5
Bet Pool Total:162
Bet Pool Rank:137th


Damn I'm such a G...its pathetic Login: JDitty
Real Name:
Location: Las Vegas, NV USA

Favorite Map: Venice, Desert, tr0, Fosgarath
Favorite Game: Terries
Favorite Unit: Archers, Melee, Gohls
None submitted.
Threat Assessment:
Often misunderstood and berated in community forums, J-Ditty is easily underestimated.

He is a frequent Aesir captain and a talented player, having contributed heavily to Aesir's finest victories. We expect J-Ditty to push Aesir commendably deep into the DE.
Build time: 7ms