MWC2001 Header Image
Player Statistics
Games Attended:6
Record (W/T/L):5/0/1
Games Captained:3
Record (W/T/L):2/0/1
Kills - Losses:45-31
Best Game:8-0
Bet Pool Accur:13.2
Bet Pool Total:151
Bet Pool Rank:140th


I yahoo, do you? Login: Pudgepie
Real Name:
Location: Cambridge, MA

Favorite Map: Rest in Pieces
Favorite Game: Scavanger Hunt
Favorite Unit: Jman
I'm old, I'm out of school, I owe over 50,000 in college bills so I don't give a damn. Myth is just a new way to take out frustraion!
Threat Assessment:
Well, I was GOING to say that Loki's dominance in ranked TFL Carnage was his biggest accomplishment... but, like, $50,000 in college bills is pretty impressive :)

Yes, this is the Loki of TFL ranked fame - or maybe infamy. Much like Ol' Dirtae, though, Loki's TFL skill has not translated too well into Myth 2; the few times we have played with him, there wasn't anything terribly inspiring to be seen. :) Another middle-of-the-road player, probably most comparable in skill to <a href="">OD</a> or <a href=""Jersy">Cave</a>.
Build time: 7ms