MWC2001 Header Image
Player Statistics
Games Attended:27
Record (W/T/L):22/1/4
Games Captained:5
Record (W/T/L):5/0/0
Kills - Losses:178-68
Best Game:18-0
Bet Pool Accur:5.9
Bet Pool Total:80
Bet Pool Rank:61st


I kikk j00 Login: quaestor
Real Name: Spencer H. Fry
Location: New Haven, CT - USA

Favorite Map: Map-o-light
Favorite Game: Capture The Flag
Favorite Unit: Dwarf
Hi, my names Anony, and I'm a MythII addict.
    I began my long and glorious Myth career all the way back in the MythTFL beta where I stood positioned behind my beta testing friend's shoulders. A sad sight.
    I urgently got the demo and pre-ordered myself a copy. From there I quickly moved up the MythTFL ranks earning celest (OMG h00r) numerous times under my former alias Quaestor. I then made the smooth transition to MythII (preordering a copy and triumphantly maintaining a sub 350 userid) where I have since remained.
   Fortune Teller says™: Come MythIII I plan to again make the long and difficult journey into new-Myth-release-addiction.
Threat Assessment:
Anony is the site director, and co-founder, of the mythIII fan site

He recently played a series of games against his threat assesser. The series played out 5 - 2 in anony's favor. The threat assessor grudgingly admits that anony is quite a skillful player and will prove to be quite dangerous in this year's MWC.

::grumble, grumble::
Build time: 11ms