MWC2001 Header Image
Player Statistics
Games Attended:5
Record (W/T/L):1/0/4
Games Captained:0
Record (W/T/L)://
Kills - Losses:33-37
Best Game:12-0
Bet Pool Accur:7.9
Bet Pool Total:120
Bet Pool Rank:89th

Maxx 5of5

"Judge ye not lest ye be judged as ye would" "Dulce et decorum est pro patria mori" Login: maxx5of5
Real Name: Dem
Location: various places in Australia

Favorite Map: one I can read and understand
Favorite Game: Rugby,Cricket,Debating,Noctavis
Favorite Unit: 10/27th Regt, 2ndSASR , Ghols
Biography information not yet happens.
  Network want your server to run fast develop new code (when I am not lazy) fix any hardware or software problems call someone else :^) I am too busy.
  First cpu 1983 Apple IIc Colour screen 128k ram 1200baud modem..PhReak GeeKer..then 1986 Apple IIGS. First real CPU 1988 SGI Personal Iris 64 Meg ram 425meg HD 19"Colour screen.I mention these cpu's as I still have them and they made our world of computers what we have today imho.
 I collect games for PC and Mac and Linux..I don't even WaReZ them (sigh)..."backups" anyone? :-P
 I admire Sir Donald Bradman, 2600 and Cult of the Dead Cow and a few others who are trapped in The Dark Side.
  This bio has been brought to you by the Microsoft Corporation.
  Submit and be Happy, we will make you how....
  "All your KoDez are belong to us"
  WAIT!! [sounds of a struggle and a keyboard hitting the upside of someones head] Sorry people.. Bullseye has been here..damn him...hehe...My quote  "The day that Microsoft makes something that does not suck will be the day they start making vacuum cleaners"
  walks off dragging Bullseye and playing "Rock Lobster"
Threat Assessment:
We don't know a whole lot about his playing ability, but he's a nice guy with a good sense of humor.

We'll see how he does.
Build time: 13ms