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Match of the Week
Pre-Season Exhibition - Bingo
Monte vs. Shai : CTF desert (blind)
     article by Sir Parson

In the waning hours before bnet sprang back to life, Monte of MoR hosted an unforgettable series of IP games - which drew a crowd of able and anxious rabble players. This particular game was one of the most tenacious battles ever encountered for many of its players - with a fantastic ending!

Shaitan and Monte were randomed to captain, with plenty of PT to dish out the trades and hand down the orders.  Shai's trade respembles 90% of the games played on desert, with pus and flanking cover at the 3 main crossings.  Monte's trade was much more of a surprise - and it's quite clear that he knows how to make a blind game more fun.  3 wights are walking after the game begins, and there's no journeyman to heal them for pus either.  Monte plans on sinking two in the south, and one in the north.

Super Man and Bingo (of Shai's team) meet up with Viper X at the north crossing, and a fantastic battle ensues and evolves as units are called in from mid on both teams to support this fierce and artful scirmish.  Rival is successful in his crossing fight, and MAB does pretty well with his - creating a sticky situation for Monte as he is forced to abandon his support of Viper, and return home to keep the game clock running somehow.  If he fails to show up on his home hill just a few seconds late, Rival's dwarf would have an easy time of tenderizing the thrall gaurds.

Alas - it's not to be, and the game evolves into an epic classic full of artful play with units being traded equally and those remaining in the game suffering from with dwinding health.

Once Monte has safely tucked his flag in for the rest of the game, he sets his unused (thankfully not wasted up to this point on freezing a lone archer crossing) river wights - the two in the south that survived the river approach - on an approach to the flag.  As he gets them within range of Shai's remaining home defense, he swings them wide and from around back - while the balance of Shai's army races home to fend of the innevitable end-game gambit.

The pictures below tell the story of the endgame - much better than any narrative ever could.

the pinchFire and Monte masterfully time their TWO wights on a flag grabbing pinch.

too lateSuper announces the most respected unit in lite Myth...but it's too late.

Things go wight in the end

download <a href="/data/hosted/ctf_wighting.sit">THE FILM</a> (88k compressed)

Pre-Season Exhibition : Game 1
Teams               Points  Scoring           Result   Next Game
Monte's Minions     14      captured flag / elimination   Win      vs. syn
Shaitan's Stiffs    8       contest flag with &lt; 50%       Lose      vs. TN