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cghw vs syn Review - J-Ditty
Summary - This match was a well organized display of team play.  Both teams showed good poise and strategies.  In the end though, cghw's strats and teamwork came out on the better end of the stick.

Game One - [Stampede] [Desert]
The "white" team aka cghw started out with the maximum amount of pigs 30, while the "black" team syn, went with only 20. You would think this would show that syn would have more units, and would be about to overpower cghw, but this wasnt the case at all.  

Both teams opted for maximum puss, 6 wights healed.  cghw went huge north and opted for minimal to no flanks mid or south but did send their gohls carrying puss mid later.  Syn went 3 pronged as usual.  Right from the start, cghw new they were going to rush north, which they did.  Shaitan asked for middle to converge north and the south to collapse to the middle.  This was done very slowly and it allowed cghw's rush to press syn's north south a bit.  With this happening cghw sent their pigs along the north wall fleeing for safety.  syn handled the rush well and destroyed all but cghw's pigs.  The race is on for the flag, syn does all they can to stop the pigs from scoring but cghw's rush stalled syn long enuff to get 7 pigs to safety.  

While the north fight was going on though, middle is where all the magic happened for cghw.  Shaitan is following too closely to the north flank and doesnt pay attention to his pigs, which he has moved to the bridge.  Armored Core and Lord Ferian with 3 gohls in toe each, swarm the pigs for syn, in the end 6 gohls dead for cghw, but 20 pigs dead for syn.  Great job by cghw to capitalize on syn's mistake.  

cghw takes this game 7-0 pigs and take a 8-0 lead in the match.

Game Two - [Terries] [Trow]
Syn starts out this game the same way they always do, 3 pronged with 1 trow mid, 2 on flanks.  cghw opts for the same thing but with more myrks mid and only 5-6 on the flanks.  

Overmanned on the flanks Shaitan pushes Dragonblood back in the North while Raziel and Zephyr push Zor Prime back in the South.  

This turns into a very exciting game as both teams are pressed on the East side of the map.  Zor Prime is doing all he can in the south to hold off Raziel and Zephyr.  Syn's mid begins to press across and Hero connects on a nice lock shot and kills a lock.  Toxyn for cghw follows it up with a nice lock shot on a group of myrks.  Sir Robyn, in the middle, creeps up closer and kills a unsuspecting lock with a lock shot.  DragonBlood then, for some unknown reason, rushes a single trow at a group of 12-16 soulless. If you didnt know already, he was rubble before he made it there.  Syn then pours on the pressure and cleans up all the flanks and manages a 6-0 flagging, but the match took syn alot of time.

Game Three - [Flag Rally] [Cracks]
Syn now up in the match 17-8 on pts after the first two games.  Both teams trade for a gohl pack, cghw's is about 4 gohls stronger though with syn getting 5 dwarves to cghw's 4.  Both teams try to capture the middle and go pretty strong to it.  The battle ensues in the middle as Armored Core is on gohl duty and rushes the archers and dwarves of syn he manages to kill 2 archers and 2 dwarves in the process before dying.  Quickie does the same but gets cut off by cghw's warriors and is disposed of and manages no artilary kills.  This sends syn fleeing for the hills and cghw gives chase.  Toxyn gets a nice bounce from a dorf shot on the fleeing melee.  

On to the flag action.  As the fight is going on middle, DragonBlood is coming down on the Western wall.  Spike, who is gaurding flag 5, decides to go help middle and leave only 2 warriors on his flag.  DragonBlood takes advantage of this and snags the tag.  Spike tries to save the flag but is too late.  Spike is pelted with cocktails and arrows when he returns.  Spike gets a nice dorf shot off though before falling to his death and killing 3 archers.  After disposing of flag 5, DB makes route to flag 7, the western base flag for syn.  All that is there to meet him are 5-6 thrall.  He lays into them with cocktails and tags flag 7 to take a commanding 7-5 flag lead for cghw.  

As this happens Raziel attemps to go for flag 4.  He is followed in by Toxyn and Lord Ferian is waiting at the flag for him.  He is then trapped and killed when he rushes toxyn's melee and dorf.  Toxyn and Lord Ferian then proceed to flag 6.

Before DB or anyone reaches flag 8 though, Quickie, the captain lags out.  This is about 7 min into the game.  Spike for some reason believes that they should get a replay and restart the game.  Spike, how many tournies have you been in?  Did you really think you would get a restart 7 min into the game?  

Tox and LF easily take flag 6 from Sir Robyn who proceeds to say, "this is lame" 2 times.  Then Tox and LF go for flag 8, the final flag.  

At this time  DB is being held off by Zephyr's archers and dorf. Zor Prime does a good move by sending his units up the middle and to flag 8 as well.  So DB is on the southern wall, LF and Tox are coming from the East, and Zor Prime is from the North.  Btw, syn is down about 30 percent at this time.  The inevitable is about to happen.  

Anywayz, the flag is eventually taken and converged upon giving cghw a 8-4 flag win and the match.  This was a entertaining and exciting game at points.  Great strategies and teamwork was displayed by both teams at times.  

Match Rating - 4