Player Statistics
Games Attended:8
Record (W/T/L):7/0/1
Games Captained:0
Record (W/T/L)://
Kills - Losses:39-34
Best Game:17-8
Damage / Game:31
Best Game:83
Bet Pool Accur:3.6
Bet Pool Total:49
Bet Pool Rank:85th
Just gimmi a god damn unit!Login: Edcase
Team: ThunderCox
Real Name: Jason
Location: Australia

Favorite Map: Desert
Favorite Game: FR
Favorite Unit: Archers
None submitted.
Threat Assessment - Grim
Ed is primarely a ww2 player, but he plays alot of regular myth too. He has been playing with NFDF during the last couple of tournaments. If he thinks that these guys will be as pollite as NFDF was, he's gonna be disappointed :)
Threat Assessment - Dantski
Ed might've been on the HFD squad last year. He didn't show up much if at all though.

He'll not be trusted with much with these guys on the roster so a very minor threat
Threat Assessment - tiger
Ed's a good guy, not a top player. Mid two baller.
Threat Assessment - Wight Slayer
I really don't know Ed.  He played for nfdf, so he probably plays in a different time zone from me, and ww2 at that.
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